The series revolves around a contest where 456 players, all of whom are in deep financial debt, risk their lives to play a series of deadly children's games for the chance to win a ₩45.6 billion prize. The title of the series draws from a similarly named Korean children's game.
Tricky Bike Stunt vs Train Racing Game
Old Timer Car Jigsaw
Jeep Drive Prisoner Transport Sim
Magical Jigsaw
Zombie Catcher Online Game
Dots Pong
Geometry Tile Rush
Sea Animal Transport Truck
PonGoal Challenge
Monster Life
Roof Rails 2021!
Magic TikTok Princesses Back To Basics
Santa Ski
Barbie Snowboard Dress
Reto Multiplicado
Park Your Car
Yellow bird
Draw Legion
Offroad SUV Extreme Car Driving Simulator
Sochi Toilets Backstage
zombie smasher 96
Santa Claus Adventures
Move Till You Match
chou chou les voies ferrées musicales
Find the Odd 2
Amgel Halloween Room Escape 18
Finding Nemo
Car Traffic Command
Save from Aliens III
Bomber Truck