The bunker escape challenge is centered around an old, decrepit barn located near the abandoned home. Beneath it lay a secret passageway leading to an underground bunker, where you would need to collect 45 eerie, star-like objects scattered about without any pattern. But if even one was missed, escape would be impossible. Can you collect all 45-star artifacts in order to activate the portal that will lead to freedom?
Love Rescue
Reach 100
Stone pillar
Stickman Archer 5
Rescue The Hungry Girl
Peppa Pig Jigsaw Puzzle Collection
Optical Illusion
Angry Bird
Hills Valley Escape
Tsumani Escape
Top Burger Maker
Skaters Impostor
Blocky Tetriz
Minecraft Shooter - Save Your World
Piggy soldier super adventure
Masha And Bear Cooking Dash
Birds Link
Noob Steve Cave
Beer Catcher
Hills Climb Racing‏
City Minibus Driver
Handless Millionaire 4 AdVenture Capitalist
The Best Driver - Fun & Run 3D Game
Christmas Match n Craft
Mr Kaw 2
Drag Racing 3D 2021
FZ Sumo Battle
Hit Balls
Happy Glass Puzzles 2